Start and Grow a Profitable Botox®, Aesthetic Medicine or Medical Weight Management Practice​

5 Tips to Building Practice Credibility

Establishing credibility cannot be done overnight, but practices can engage in strategies along the way that will help build credibility more effectively.

Building your credibility will add to your bottom line in the long term – and, if done well, can do a lot of your heavy lifting for you in increasing your patient-base and growing your practice!
two laptops and business charts

1. Establish Credibility with Your Website

Back in the day, you typically bought a large ad in the Yellow Pages. This was a very expensive strategy, but your alternatives were limited and just as expensive: radio, TV and billboards.  

Yellow Pages are for the most part a thing of the past, Google is the new Yellow Pages.

97 percent of consumers search for local businesses online. 73 percent of all online activity is related to local content, according to data released by Google. 

It is most likely that your patients are going to Google you or the services you offer, and when you come up, you better have a modern, mobile-friendly website. 

The website is like your digital lobby, and just like your lobby, first impressions are everything! If you don’t have the skills in-house to build your website, working with a reputable agency will help you get everything set up the right way.

It’s also important that your website is easy to navigate and clearly shows the website visitor what you do (procedures), who you are (credentials), and where and how to contact you.

2. Highlight your Credentials

When building your website, be mindful of the message you want to relay, you want to build trust with your patients. 

You want to not only let them know which procedures you offer, but also that you are the person that can deliver the results they want. In an IAPAM consumer study on aesthetics, 78% of women rated “Medical Credentials” as Very Important. 

So it is imperative that you clearly communicate your background, training, and industry memberships. The “About Us” page is an important page, make sure you have the bios and certifications of everyone on your team.  

Photos also go a long way, but rather than use that hospital id photo, perhaps hire a professional photographer to come to the practice to take more engaging photos of your each staff members.

The web is a very visual medium, and it is always best to have images throughout your website. 

A key way to make your site more visual and build credibility is to have the images of the medical associations you are members of, including the AMA, your State medical association, and the IAPAM.  

To help you out, we’ve created a website code that you or your web developer can easily place in your website to show credibility. 

This image proves to your patients that you are member in good standing with the IAPAM, and it links to a patient oriented page that helps build your credibility. Here is the code your web developer will need:

IAPAM Botox Training Member

Demonstrate your commitment to excellence in Aesthetic Medicine by joining our Certified Aesthetic Provider™ (CAP) program.

  • Build trust faster with your prospective and current patients
  • Get comprehensive training in the most effective non-invasive treatments
  • Stay current with the latest aesthetic medicine procedures
  • Achieve International Certification from the IAPAM (including Botox® & fillers)
Certified Aesthetic Provider™ (CAP) Program

3. Communicate your Procedure Expertise

When they click on one of your procedure pages, you want to have more than just the basics and there are two reasons for that. 

First, you want to be able to clearly show patients what you can do, and what procedures you offer. 

The second reason, is that the more content you have on your pages the more likely Google will show your website when people search on those results (it improves your SEO rankings).

On your procedure pages, you should not only have a description of the procedure, but also what to expect as well as several before and after pictures of patients you have personally treated.  

When new, you may need to rely on your vendors’ before and after photos, but you will want to replace these with your own patient pictures once you get more established.  

This certainly will help build your credibility. Obviously, make sure you have each patient’s written consent, and try to keep the patient’s identity hidden if possible.

4. Build Social Proof

You cannot just assume that since you went to medical school, you have all the credibility you need (but it sure helps a lot!).

People like to avail of services that are known and have a good reputation as good businesses, and one way they do that is with Social Proof.

The biggest source of social proof is through their Facebook network of friends.

Often your patients will send out a message to their friend network and ask about tattoo removal, Botox®, weight loss or other procedures to see if their friends have any recommendations.

In general, people don’t necessarily follow brands on Facebook.

So it’s important that you have a social media posting strategy for your practice. 

You can’t just post about your procedures and specials, but you need to have some good general interest stories, maybe something from the New York Times on how Botox® can stop sweating. 

For every 2 or 3 general posts, you can highlight a procedure you offer.

This is an important part of our marketing strategy.

5. Make it Easy for People to do Business with You

This sounds like common sense, but it is amazing how many people don’t do it! On the bottom of every procedure page, you need to tell the patient what to do, for example “to find out if Botox® is right for you, call ###-###-#### now for a Free Consultation!”  

As well, on the top header of your website, you need to clearly display your practice’s phone number.  When it is in the header, it will display on every page automatically. 

The Contact Us page should include your address, Google map, email and phone number.  Many practices also allow for live chat. 

I like, for only $99/yr we can offer a “chat now” button on our website.  You may also want to have an answering service answer the phones before and after you open (I use at our clinic, it runs about $260/m).

Learn to Start a Profitable Aesthetics Practice in Just 4-Days!

March 28-31 (only 1 spot left!)
June 6-9

in sunny Scottsdale, AZ

Make More. Work Less.

Start your transitioning to aesthetic medicine and learn everything you need to grow a profitable aesthetics practice in just 4-days! 

March 28-31 (Only 1 spot left!)
June 6-9

Scottsdale, AZ

Only $4,195*
(Reg. $7,500. Save $3,605!)
Earn 33.5 CMEs

*Members preferred price for 4-day accelerated program. Save $3,605! Membership is only $295/yr and can be added during registration.

Getting Started Check List

  • Easy to navigate, mobile-friendly website
  • About Us section includes photos and bios of team
  • IAPAM logo added to your website to boost credibility
  • Procedure page includes before and after photos (preferably yours)
  • Posting 2-5 times a week on your Facebook practice (business) page
  • “Contact Us” page needs to have your address, Google map, phone number, and contact email.
  • Practice number in the header section of your website
If you keep the above tips in mind, I’m sure they will help you improve your patient engagement, and build credibility for your aesthetic/weight loss practice!

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Learn Everything You Need to Start a Profitable Practice in Just 4-Days!

Attend the most comprehensive accredited AMA PRA CAT 1 CME Botox® training weekend, learn how to create a profitable practice with the top 5 most lucrative non-invasive treatments, get hands-on Botox® training in a multi-million dollar aesthetics practice and get trained in GLP-1 agonists and other medically-supervised weight loss treatments.

Hands-on Botox® Training for Physicians
June 6-9

Scottsdale, Arizona 

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