The evolution of aesthetic medicine over the last few decades is quite extensive.
Before, if you wanted to alter or improve your appearance and didn’t want to rely on promises from the latest over the counter skin cream, you would resort to plastic surgery.
This would involve hospitalization, anesthetic, recovery time and an expensive bill.
Today, you can improve and change your look without having to go under the knife, and you need not look far to find an aesthetic medicine practice that will help you do so.
The possibilities and procedures are plentiful and will treat a variety of issues, including acne, wrinkles, excess hair, and even cellulite.
Today, aesthetic medicine is a booming business that is catering to a more informed, self-assured and willing consumer that knows there are non-invasive procedures that can greatly improve their look.
It all started with Botox®, which, upon its invention, was being used to treat a variety of medical conditions including but not limited to excessive sweating and chronic migraine headaches.
Once it was noted that Botox® could temporarily paralyze muscles without adverse reactions, and thus smooth out superficial wrinkles, it became widely popular with those who wanted to “freshen up” those worry lines on their forehead.
Medical spas started offering basic Botox® treatments during regular business hours, often with only a few days’ notices for an appointment and for a minimal cost compared to surgery.
It didn’t stop there. Before we knew it, treatments and procedures were being developed everywhere that promised a fresher, newer you, without the invasive side effects of plastic surgery.
Today, there are upwards of 20 different types of treatments that can be done with minimal invasiveness. Besides Botox®, here are 5 of the most popular types of aesthetic medicine treatments: