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Preventative Botox® – What age do you need Botox?

Aging is a natural process. However, specific symptoms of aging are not desirable by the majority of people. 

This includes the onset of fine lines and wrinkles. 

In today’s world, people don’t necessarily have to live with wrinkles. 

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They can prevent wrinkles from appearing by having Botox® treatments.

Botox® is one of the most popular non-invasive cosmetic procedures. Preventative Botox® is a treatment becoming accessed by many in various life stages to help prevent, rather than cure the symptoms of aging.

What is preventative Botox®?

Botox® injections help in preventing the onset of wrinkles. 

In fact, Botulinum toxin has been used for more than two decades to combat visible signs of aging in people, in a variety of age groups. 

While Botox® treatment is usually administered after signs of aging have already appeared, preventative Botox® is a treatment which starts before wrinkles and fine lines appear.

Preventative Botox® is using Botulinum Toxins during the initial stages of development of fine lines and has the power to stop the aging process from the get-go. 

Therefore, anyone who detects even the faintest lines in their face is the ideal candidate for preventative Botox®. 

This is why people in their 20’s and early 30’s are often thought to be the ideal candidates for Botox® treatments.

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How preventative Botox® works?

The benefit of preventative Botox® is that it ensures that the process of fine lines is frozen altogether at a younger age. 

This way, there will be fewer fine lines to deal with even as you get older. 

Patients who opt for preventative Botox® early on, require fewer Botox® treatments over the years compared to those who get the procedure after the onset of wrinkles and fine lines.

Botox® works by targeting the muscles that help a person with their facial expressions. Botox® helps in blocking the nerve signals relayed to these muscles. 

Wrinkles occur because of the repetitive movements of the muscles. 

When patients receive Botox® injections, the procedure restricts facial expressions, thereby preventing wrinkles.

Botox® works by relaxing the muscle present underneath the skin. 

By blocking nerve responses, it will prevent further wrinkles from being formed while also smoothing out any fine lines that may persist.

When to start preventative Botox®?

Signs of aging begin appearing at different ages for different people. 

While some skins are prone to getting wrinkles in the late ’20s, some people don’t exhibit even the slightest signs of aging even in their 30’s. 

The point of opting for preventative Botox® is to avoid the onset of lines and wrinkles altogether.

However, the question arises:  what is the right age to start preventative Botox®? Is it better to get it in your early 20’s? Or should you wait till your 40’s? 

It turns out that there is no ideal age in getting preventative Botox®. The right age depends on what results you are expecting from the treatment.

For instance, let’s say a given patient has had a lot of skin damage due to the sun. 

Such people will prefer to start their treatment early, to ensure that their skin doesn’t undergo any more damage. 

Other people might sport skin types that are smooth enough for them not to require preventative Botox® treatments until their 40’s.

Therefore, no one age can be deemed as being ideal for getting the treatment done. 

It will depend on what results the patient wants; the skin type he or she has and what the healthcare professional deems as being the right procedure for the skin at the time of the consultation. 

A healthcare professional will take into account factors like skin type, lifestyle, history of sun damage, and patient personality to judge whether the age is right for the treatment or not.

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Botox® in Your 20’s

A lot of people choose preventative Botox® treatment in their early or late 20’s. 

At this age, many people have wrinkle-free and smooth skin. People have the luxury to spend their energy and time on protecting their skin from the sun by using the right products or going out at the safer times of the day. 

Such people don’t require much Botox® early on.

However, people who have genetics that lead to them developing wrinkles in their 20’s or those who prefer getting their fair share of sun tans might want to get Botox® in their 20’s.

Ideal candidates in 20’s

In the ’20s, most types of skin require “Baby Botox®.” This means that the dose administered is much less than the one required for standard treatment. 

Generally, wrinkles in the ’20s appear when one frowns, squints, or smiles. They might not persist beyond the facial expressions and are often known as dynamic wrinkles. 

Others may develop early signs of aging because of their lifestyle. 

For instance, people who either expose their skin to the sun or smoke a lot tend to get wrinkles early on. This is because smoking cuts down the oxygen received by the skin. 

It causes dryness and plays a role in reducing blood circulation to the skin. 

Since the age bracket of 25-34 signifies 20 percent of smokers, a lot of people might find themselves with prematurely aged skin in their 20’s. And these are the people that should consider getting Botox®.

Botox® in Your 30’s

The ’30s is an age where the faintest of wrinkles and fine lines begin to appear. 

While most females still have at least a few more years before the wrinkles become deep and etched, the fact remains that the initial signs start being exhibited early on. 

These fine lines are no longer dynamic in nature. Instead, they remain even when a person is not making a facial expression. Common areas for the aging signs to occur are the brows and the eyes.

Botox® helps combat the issue of aging by stopping the muscle from creating expressions that further deepen the wrinkles. 

For instance, when people frown, vertical lines are formed between the brows which become deeply set with each frown. 

Since Botox® restricts facial movements, it stops such habitual expression from causing harm to the skin.

Ideal candidates in 30’s

Starting treatment in the ’30s is the ideal option for those who either are regular smokers or live in areas that are higher up in altitude. In most cases, wrinkles and fine lines do begin to appear when a person enters their 30’s. 

This occurs regardless of how much you care for your skin. But, people who expose their skin to the sun without proper protection or indulge in smoking are much likely to get wrinkles during their early 30’s. 

People who fall into these categories should consider starting Botox® in their early 30’s, as a preventative measure.

Botox® in Your 40’s

The ’40s and beyond is an age when most people do get wrinkles and fine lines. And these lines are quite defined by age. 

This is because, by the time a person hits 40, their skin begins to get thin, and the collagen in the skin begins breaking down. This is a natural aging process that cannot be avoided.

This is the ideal time for getting Botox®. 

However, one can’t dub the process as being preventative anymore since this is the age when the wrinkles are visible to the naked eye. 

If you can see that the fine lines have etched into your skin and remain visible even when you stretch the area with your fingers, know that it is time to seek treatment to rectify the issue.

Even though people in their 40’s are bound to have signs of aging, some people have more prominent wrinkles than others. 

Here lifestyle plays an integral role. Stress, consumption of alcohol, and smoking all further exacerbate the occurrence of wrinkles.

Ideal candidates in 40’s

People who drink alcohol on a regular basis and can detect the dehydration their skin is going through as a result of it are the best candidates for Botox®. 

Others who lead a stressful life and wish to look energized are equally suited for the treatment. All in all, after 40, anyone who wishes to reduce their already present wrinkles will serve as the perfect candidate for the procedure. 

This is because this is the age where no skincare routine or anti-aging cream can ultimately combat the onset of wrinkles. 

This is especially observed in the frown lines, forehead lines, and around the eyes.

In closing...

Preventative Botox® can help solve the problem of aging even before the issue arises in the first place. 

Since wrinkles have not yet been formed during the early stages of one’s life, the dose and frequency of the treatment are also reduced. 

Anyone who wishes to remain looking young should consider getting the treatment done.

Botox® is a completely safe, medically and FDA approved cosmetic treatment. The International Association of Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine (IAPAM) states that Botox® injections should only be performed by a properly trained Botox® administrator who has all the necessary certifications, information on the side-effects and interactions of the treatment. 

For more information on how to become Botox certified, visit IAPAM’s Botox training courses and certifications!

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